The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) was created in 1945, following two world wars, in order to respond to the firm belief that political and economic agreements are not enough to build a lasting peace between nations.
UNESCO believes that peace comes through nations working together to recognise their individual values and identities as important contributions to humanity. UNESCO strives to build networks among nations through education, intercultural understanding scientific cooperation and protection of freedom of expression.
A World Heritage Site is a place that is listed by UNESCO as of special cultural or physical significance. It is an exclusive club of sites that have proved that somehow or other they have made a contribution considered to be of ‘outstanding universal value’ to humanity.
The official term is World Heritage Inscription and gaining it would mean the Slate Industry would appear on the list of current World Heritage Sites alongside the Taj Mahal, the Pyramids, the Forth Bridge, Stonehenge, the Great Wall of China and many other sites all over the world.
Gwynedd Council is leading the bid in partnership with Cadw, the National Museum of Wales, Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments in Wales, The National Trust, the Slate Wales Partnership and Snowdonia National Park Authority.
The partners have formed a Steering Group and two sub-groups; one is responsible for planning, conservation and management, the other for economic development. Specialists in the fields of heritage, consultation and public relations have also been commissioned to work on specific tasks. The project is managed by a small group from Gwynedd Council’s Economic and Community Department and Cadw.